Additonal Hardware Items
I would like to thank John Creviston for supplying these pictures and the information on them. I would
also like to thank Louis Guion for taking the pictures.
A CorComp Double sided, Double Density 4 drive floppy disk
controller used in the pe box. 2nd version, sold without a case.
A PE box extension card. Used in trouble shooting hardware faults.
A one meg Horizon Ram Disk built with 32 x 8 bit rams on a original
version board. Battery backed PE box board.
Coleman/ Willforth prototype board
The reverse side of a hand wired p-gram, built by John Guion. John is
the hardware designer of the cartridge emulator board.
A Dijit 80 column Board. The AVPC used a 9938 video processor IC and
plugged into the pe box, The RGB monitor connected to the card instead
of the console. The card included a mouse port and had a maximum of
192k RAM.
The front side of John Guion hand wired p-gram, built on a
Coleman/Willforth prototype board
Mounted in the pe box, the card allowed for modules to be dumped to
disk, then be loaded into the p-gram. Included on the board is a real
time clock and the software included a memory editor.
Top view of Thermal Printer with manual. Device name TP is hard coded
into many modules including Disk Manager.
View of Thermal Printer showing connector that plugs into console.
Close up of tag on Thermal Printer.