The TI Community
Welcome to the TI Community!
This page will contain links, announcments, and other information that should be interesting
for the entire TI Community.
The Chicago International TI Faire
The longest running TI Faire (24 years), and yes, it is still active.
To see a series of articles from the past Chicago TI Faires go here.
For a look at the 2003 Faire click here.
For a look at the 2004 Faire click here.
For a look at the 2005 Faire click here.
For a look at the 2006 Faire click here.
For a look at the 2007 Faire click here.
The TI around the world

Check out TI users and their locations from around the world!

(Yahoo OLUG)
If you are not a member of the TI online user group, I would highly recommened that you join it. It is a very active group and is the "Official" chat and
message site for the TI Home Computer Community.
To Visit or Join the TI OLUG click here.
The TI-99'er Hall of Fame
The TI-99'ers Hall of Fame is a new idea in the TI99'er community. The idea is to recognize
those in the TI99'er Community who have contributed to the success of the Texas Instruments™
TI-99/4A® Home Computer and the Myarc™ Geneve 9640® computers.
To Visit the TI-99'er Hall of Fame click here.
What can I say here!! The best and largest collection of TI and Geneve stuff in the world! This is the "Official"
storage site for the TI community of TI Home Computer and Geneve documents, software and utilities.
To visit whtech.com go here.
To search the FTP site go here.


Sysop: Harold Mayo
in beautiful downtown Sperry, OK.
The only 100% TI/GENEVE 24/7 BBS West
of the Mississippi River
Harold has around 40 DSDD discs of programs for d/load to stock TIs.

The Hidden Reef BBS
Sysop: Richard Bell
The folks that log into the BBS find a resource for over 500 up to date
files of various types for the TI/geneve machines. It has a "public" and a
"private" message base.
In addition it has "buy/sell hardware", "buy/sell software", "humor" and "public announcement"
messgae bases. "On-line" games that can be played, and color
ANSI round out this BBS.
8,N,1 (8 data bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit)

The TI-99/4A Home Computer Page, by Rich Polivka. Probably one of the oldest TI websites out there. Rich keeps a lot
of current events and news items on this page, downloads, etc.

Tex*In Treasures. Mike Dudeck's source of hardware, software, manuals and accessories for the TI-99/4A. A lot of
what Mike has for sale are Brand new. Has a very nice selection of items.

The home of the Win994a-TI-99/4A Simulator for Windows by Cory Burr. A super TI-99/4A emulator for the windows. Great features
and its FREE!.

The TI Tech Pages by Thierry Nouspikel. Want some technical information on the TI? This is the place!
The TI Tech Pages

Richard Bell's web site. Has CC-40 stuff for sale, and Geneve repair kits. Richard also does repairs on
Myarc Products.
Richard Bell's Site

The TI-99 Home Computer Timeline by Bill Gaskill. History of the TI, This is the site!
TI-99 Home Computer Timeline

Walid Maalouli's web site which is a gallery of public domain non-cartridge games with images of the opening screen as well as an in-play snapshot, along with a brief review of the game.
Includes downloads for many of the games.
TI 99/4A Game Shelf

Mike Brent's Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A emulator for Windows 9x. Also on this site is TI software written by Mike.
Classic 99

The Amarillo 99/4A Users Group Tribute Page! By Steve Eggers
Amarillo 99/4A Users Group