The TI-99 Upgrade/Projects Page
Page Last Updated: 4/15/2005
Below you will find several "Projects" for the TI-99, the Geneve, and other related hardware items.
More will be added in the future.
I wish to thank John Creviston Jr. for all his advice, supplies, and hard work in helping me
to put these projects together. Without his help this project web site would not have happend.
I have done my best to give credit where credit is due. If you see something on here that you
feel needs proper credit applied please contact me..
Thanks.. Ron

Speed up the I/O on the Flex Card.

This is a great kit which adds 32K in the console on the 16 bit bus.

This shows how to wire up different cables used the the TI-99

This is a project to build a low cost RS232 interface which does not require a PEB.

A quick view of the IDE Card, and some links for more information.

A collection of TI hardware schematics; Disk controller, RS232, Peb Box among many others.

Information on the Zeno Board.

This projects shows how to increase the 12 volt 1 amp supply to a 2 amp one. It also shows how to replace
the PEB's fuse.

This project adds 8K of battery-backed RAM to the Editor/Assembler module.
In effect, this means you can write your own 8K battery-backed command module software.

This project adds 4 Banks of 8K, battery-backed RAM to the Editor/Assembler module.
In effect, this means you can write 4 Banks of your own 8K battery-backed command module software.

This upgrade kit for the standard TI disk controller card allows 80 track
drives to be used, such as a 3 1/2" 80 track floppy. The modified code supports
40 and 80 tracks for SSSD and 80 tracks for DSSD, but not 40 DSSD

This project will allow you to use 2 different RS232 cards in your PEB at the same time giving you
4 serial ports and 2 PIO ports.

Thierry Nouspikel has designed and built a USB-Smart Media PEB card which he is sharing with the
TI Community. This card will allow USB devices to be attached to the TI.

Give your Mini Memory module many more years of life by replacing a dead battery.

The battery on a Geneve should last 3-5 years, but eventually you will need to replace it, especially since they
are all older than that!

Dirty contacts can cause lockups, screen garbage and other annoying problems. Cleaning
module contacts is a quick and easy job

With this project completed you will never need to worry about the
alpha-lock key being up or down when you are using joysticks.

This project shows how to disassemble the console just "for the fun of it" or for other modifications.

These projects will help clear up the screen display. It seems to me that the capacitor fix does more "fixing".

See how to take the PEB apart, and quiet it down at the same time.

This project will show you how to add 2 half height drives to your PEB.

This is a project that is just for fun, give your PEB the "Blues"!

This adapter will allow you use Atari joysticks with the TI

Let your TI talk without any visible means of speech!

Let your TI talk without any visible means of speech!

This project will speedup your console by 20%!

Add 32K of SRAM to your Geneve which allows you to run MDOS 6.0.

This project will allow you to add 32K of expansion RAM to the 2000 series Horizon Ramdisk.

Add 32K on 16bit Bus in Console
This project adds 32k of expansion RAM to the 16 bit bus in the console, and is in three parts.